Is reliable?

Yes, the seller is trusted. I recommend this seller because they kept me well informed throughout the entire process of my order. Delivery of order was fairly quick. I had a minor issue with shipping but the seller was reliable and handled it soon. I am extremely satisfied with the quality of the item. She’s beautiful and easy to clean up. Great purchase. I added two wigs to her for different looks. I will return for my next doll at this site.

How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, 10/10. After researching numerous sites & reading multiple reviews & opinions, we decided to take a chance and go with this site and I’m so glad we did!! We’d read good things about the site and about the seller, in customer service. My husband & I were still pretty nervous about spending that kind of money with a company we weren’t familiar with, especially after reading so many horror stories about people being scammed by other sites. That’s a lot of money to spend but we had an amazing experience!

Is reliable?

Yes, this is a trusted site. I give the site a 5 out of 5 rating. I just wanted to share my experience with this site and everything went smoothly. Most of the time their responses to questions, concerns, or issues are prompt. And the seller didn’t lie when he said she’d look better in person. Love her thick behind and legs, reminds me of Chun Li. Also the tan color of the head and body blends well. Thank you for the great customer service!

Do you like

Yes, this is my favorite site! Our doll is gorgeous and the seller answered all of our questions. We placed our order on April 3, and from production to sending pics, prior to shipping for our approval, she arrived on May 3rd. I handle international sales & shipping for my company and I know how easy it is for shipments to be delayed in transit or held up in customs. We had absolutely no issues and look forward to our next purchase!